• Is nature continuum or discrete?

    Updated: 2012-12-31 19:02:49
    Is nature continuum or discrete? What about the rule of the planck number constant? Did we discover the ATOM yet? (from the ancient Greek adjective atomos, 'indivisible', Democritus, ~300BC, to...

  • Intro Quantum subscripts and operators, can someone please clarify these in this prob

    Updated: 2012-12-31 18:40:36
    I'm working with flow equations right now and have been stuck on this one part (I'm re-doing the work of one of my professors). I figured it would just be way easier to take a picture and post it...

  • classification of substances

    Updated: 2012-12-31 18:31:15
    i read on a book that the matter can be classified as crystalline substances , amorphous substances or both of them depending on the % of packed crystalline part . please can you explain me what...

  • Please help, construct a natural differential structure on this manifold

    Updated: 2012-12-31 17:01:12
    I need to construct a natural smooth differential structure on the ellipsoid [(x^2)/(a^2)]+[(y^2)/(b^2)]+[(z^2)/(c^2)]=1 So I need an Atlas to produce this, how would I do this? I don't really have...

  • Why Do Neutrinos and Anti-Neutrinos Oscillate Differently?

    Updated: 2012-12-31 16:15:44
    Why do neutrinos and anti-neutrinos oscillate differently? http://www.forbes.com/sites/alexknapp/2012/12/31/anti-neutrinos-may-hold-the-key-to-solving-physics-mystery/ I realize this is just a...

  • 2012 Physics Books

    Updated: 2012-12-28 23:44:06
    Education Physics Search Physics Basic Concepts Theories Experiments Share Free Physics Newsletter Sign Up Discuss in my forum 2012 Physics Books By Andrew Zimmerman Jones About.com Guide December 28, 2012 My Bio Headlines Forum RSS Follow me : on Facebook Twitter As we wind down 2012, I'm taking some much-needed vacation time to catch up on end of year book-keeping literally , in this case , as I have a massive pile of books that has accumulated over the year and is in desperate need of reading . Two of the volumes that I've been incredibly anxious to get to are Energy for Future Presidents by Richard A . Muller and Space Chronicles by Neil deGrasse Tyson Having now been read and reviewed , they're also available on the Top Physics Books of 2012 list , along with some other great books

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 23rd YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-23 16:54:53

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 22nd YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-23 00:49:14

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 20th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-21 21:37:24

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 21st YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-21 21:37:24

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 19th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 21:29:31

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 18th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 21:29:30

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 17th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 21:29:30

  • Research associate in general relativity at Cornell

    Updated: 2012-12-20 15:05:57
    We expect to have an opening for a Research Associate starting as early as April 2013 and no later than August 2013. The position requires a Ph.D. and experience in general relativity, computational physics and astrophysics. The position is for one year, with subsequent renewals depending on performance and the availability of funds. The position is [...]

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 14th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 13:28:29

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 16th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 13:28:29

  • Advent Calendar 2012 December 15th YouTube

    Updated: 2012-12-20 13:28:29

  • IJMPD Special Issue: 2012 Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) Essays

    Updated: 2012-12-19 06:29:18
    Dear Colleagues, International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD) takes great pleasure to announce that the 2012 Gravity Research Foundation (GRF) Essays are now published in the Special Issue: IJMPD Vol. 21, No. 11 (2012) http://www.worldscientific.com/toc/ijmpd/21/11 The contents, including the award-winning essays, selected honorable mention essays and invited papers, are free to read until May 2013. If you [...]

  • The Building Blocks of Spacetime (December 16, 2012 podcast)

    Updated: 2012-12-16 05:00:00
    Joanna Karczmarek argues that spacetime is not fundamental -- and looks to string theory to find out what it's made from.

  • Quantum Mechanics Fall Class Lecture Notes

    Updated: 2012-12-14 18:33:59
    Classes are over for the semester, and I’ve put together the lecture notes for my undergraduate “Quantum Mechanics for Mathematicians” course, which are available here. The idea for the course was to try and explain the basics of quantum mechanics, … Continue reading →

  • Fundamental Physics Prize recognizes Higgs hunters

    Updated: 2012-12-11 17:29:23
    Many have speculated about which theorists the Nobel Committee might honor for the prediction of the Higgs boson, but it was the experimentalists involved in the search for the particle who received recognition today. 

  • Decay channel

    Updated: 2012-12-11 16:07:37
    Decay channels are the possible transformations a particle can undergo as it decays. When a particle decays, it does not break into smaller bits; its energy does. Even fundamental particles—so named because they are the basic building blocks of matter that cannot be broken into smaller parts—can decay. Many particles in the Standard Model exist for only a limited time before decaying. When a particle decays, it transforms into collections of less massive particles whose combined energy adds up to the energy of the original particle.

  • This Week’s Hype

    Updated: 2012-12-10 20:45:29
    Space.com has a new story entitled Space Bursts Provide Insight to Theory of Everything, which has been picked up elsewhere as “evidence for string theory”. For instance Physicists Find New Evidence Of A ‘Theory Of Everything’ In The Wreckage Of … Continue reading →

  • Decay: The LHC Zombie Film

    Updated: 2012-12-08 20:08:01
    Today is the release date for the film Decay, described as “a zombie film made and set at the LHC, by physics PhD students”. It’s available for download here, on Youtube here. The plot is summarized as The film follows … Continue reading →

  • Strong gravity beyond GR: from theory to observations, Lisbon, Portugal

    Updated: 2012-12-07 18:25:16
    In recent years, the field of alternative theories of gravity has been very active. The plethora of proposed modified theories, the challenge in conceiving new experiments, and the corresponding difficulty of probing unexplored regimes where new physics might be revealed, call for a joint effort within the community. We believe this is the ideal timing for [...]

  • Forty Years of String Theory

    Updated: 2012-12-06 03:08:08
    The journal Foundations of Physics has been promising a special issue on “Forty Years of String Theory: Reflecting on the Foundations” for quite a while now, with a contribution first appearing back when it really was 40 years since the … Continue reading →

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